Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Are women that clueless?!?

A good friend of mine sent this article to me and asked if I thought this was true. Was this how men approached intimacy and sexual relations with their women? I have pasted the content from her email without reference, as I do not know from where it originated. The emphasis is mine, so I apologize to the author...whoever she may be. I am emphasizing the excerpts that are complete harlequin garbage. Sorry ladies.
Lovemaking isn’t just for slender women. But large women who have body image issues often have problems in relationships because they think that men want a woman with a perfect body.

Although a man isn’t going to pass up the chance to look at such a woman, the perfect body is not at the top of a man’s want list. You don’t have to have that perfect body if you want to enjoy great lovemaking with your man.

Here’s what men really want from their women:

Men love passionate women. A lusty interest in intimacy will wow a man every time. A blasé attitude isn’t sexy. Powerful positive emotions of love and desire are. These emotions are far more important that the packaging in which the emotions come. Men want to be desired and loved. Letting them know that you’re passionate about them will turn them on every time and pave the way for great lovemaking.

Men want women to be enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is upbeat energy, and upbeat energy is electric. Bring enthusiasm into the bedroom and watch the sparks fly. Enthusiasm improve your lovemaking almost instantly

Men need their women to be caring. A man’s ego really can’t handle much criticism. Criticism, in fact, is a great way to kill ardor.

A woman who is working hard to be perfect herself tends to exact the same standards from her lover. That kind of pressure is a definite turn-off. Nurture your partner with the kind of caring you’d like to receive yourself and you’ll be amazed at the kind of gentle response you’ll get in return during lovemaking.

Men want kindness and patience. When women go on rigid diets, they tend to get a little, ah, witchy. Men don’t like this.

Men want women to cut them some slack and treat them with the same respect that we often save for our best friends. A man who is respected and treated kindly will usually be a happy, virile man who is wonderful at lovemaking.

Man want women to be playful and have a sense of erotic adventure. Who wants a woman who’s all serious and hung up on getting things just right? Intimacy shouldn’t be about looking good. It’s about having fun. A woman who is willing to experiment and get silly in bed will enjoy incredible lovemaking.

Women think that men don’t want intimacy. This isn’t true. Men want it as much as women do. They just don’t like to talk about it. If you want to be close to your man, stop focusing on creating the perfect body and create the perfect atmosphere for lovemaking. (T)he great thing about giving your man what he wants is that it will get you what you want—closeness and romance and awesome lovemaking.
Uh huh. And here is my response:
This must have been written by a woman.

To be honest, some of that is true, but most of it is wishful thinking. We just are not that deep. When it comes to sex, arguably the most important aspect is physical attraction.

Am I saying that the woman has to be a size 4? Not at all, but the man has to be physically attracted to this woman. That can take all kinds of forms. Attractiveness is judged by the individual and is not limited to exact physical features. Certain character traits and mannerisms add to sensuality and attractiveness.

For example, I may not find a certain type of physical body attractive, but team that same body up with a great sense of humor, a certain open-mindedness, and a keen intellect and I will probably be attracted.


As for intimacy and all that stuff, yes men do want that. Do they want it the same way women do? No. As a man, I can tell you that my driving need is to be wanted, needed, trusted and their contributions to the relationship acknowledged. I personally equate that with intimacy. That makes me feel closer to my mate.

The biggest thing I can stress is open communication. Men like to talk about sex. So, talk about it. Get into your likes and dislikes. At the very least, you will discover where you each are sexually and whether or not you can compromise. Hell, you may share a fantasy and didn't even know it! Then decide, "can he give me what I need and can I give him what he needs"? If the answer is no, you MUST find a solution. If you don't, it will end badly.
Just thought you should know. Feel free to discuss.


San Diego Living said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Super Dave said...

Awww...I was just about to respond!